Janette Brown, MA, LMFT (info-link)                                                                               

                                     600 1st Ave. N.E. Seattle, WA. 98104 (206) 524-3645

  Big Change, Loss or Grief

 These may well be the hardest of all human experiences.


 How you know your world, seemingly dissolves. There is rawness. Numbness or emptiness is something felt easily. Though  experiences vary, there are certain commonalities to loss  or change that may give some comfort, when and if comfort is what we  want; there is also something to be said for immersing in sorrow when it comes, because surprisingly  __  paradoxically __ there  is also comfort there. Sorrow is where we heal.


 Physical death can bring grief, but so can separation, unelected change, and illness (our own, or a loved one's). When big  change comes, we need our friends, and we need to become  our own best friend.


                                                                        Take good care of your self




 Some resources that can help include:

 o   those things that have inspired us
 o   persons who have.
 o   places where we made important connections
 o   stories written by people who know death or change*


 Suggested authors: 

   John C Lily http://www.elliottbaybook.com/product/info.jsp?isbn=1579510388


Clark E Moustakas http://www.amazon.com/Loneliness-Love-Clark-E-Moustakas/dp/0135403863


(*for Harry Potter fans, the author wrote, fresh from experiencing the death of her mother)

   JK Rowling http://www.elliottbaybook.com/product/info.jsp?isbn=0545010225



(*the author of the best on the topic writes, facing her own final illness, about living life fully)

   Elizabeth Kubler-Ross http://www.elliottbaybook.com/product/info.jsp?isbn=8466617094


Stephen Levine http://www.elliottbaybook.com/product/info.jsp?isbn=0385262213



   Robert Bly http://www.elliottbaybook.com/product/info.jsp?isbn=0060928735

   Stephen Mitchell http://www.elliottbaybook.com/product/info.jsp?isbn=0609609017